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Writer's pictureCalli Tuggle

Fequently Asked Questions - Answered

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Q: How do you determine pricing for your photos?

A: As a small business owner, pricing is one of the absolute hardest things to determine. I'm assuming that this is true across the board for all businesses. I have run different calculations of my Cost of Doing Business (CODB) and have priced my photo sessions high enough to cover my expenses and to factor in a profit. I have a lot of hidden expenses that the general public doesn't know about but are important. Things that make me a legal business.

Q: Why do you limit the number of photos?

A: That's a great question. It goes back to my CODB. I have factored in my editing time with each session. I always give the clients the option to add additional digital photos onto their order. The amount of editing I do to each image is time consuming. I know that not everyone could afford a 50+ image gallery of my edited images. So, I start with a smaller package and allow clients to add on if it's within their budget. My philosophy is quality over quantity. I'd rather deliver 15 images that my clients absolutely love and will print and hang up in their homes than 100 images that sit on a flash drive.

Q: I don't love bright or bold photos. Would we still be a good fit?

A: You can absolutely dress in whatever you feel comfortable in during your session! One of my favorite sessions, the family wore mostly black with a pop of red. We were still able to capture color in the sky and background. Even if you choose a location with white walls and neutral color clothing, we can still achieve a bold look. That may be adding in different textures (rug, pillows, plants, etc). But it's completely doable!

Q: I never know what to wear for photos! Is this something that you can help with?

A; Oh, heck yes, I could! You can send me your clothing options and we can talk through them, or I can offer some suggestions for a color palate. One of my long-term goals is to create a clothing closet for women for photo sessions. No use buying an outfit that you'll just wear once when you can borrow one.

Q: I love the look of candid photos, but I know grandparents are going to want the traditional posed photos. Can we do both?

A: 100% we can! My favorite photos are the candid ones. But I know that so many grandparents love the ones where everyone is looking at the camera and smiling. I like to start with the posed photos first. Then I will throw out a silly prompt. That will catch some authentic smiles and laughs. Then we can move around more and get the action shots of kids doing kid stuff.

Q: I have a really big family with six kids and 2 adults. How would you price that?

A: I have four kids myself, so I understand big families. A family session is for up to 6 people. If you'd like to add an additional person, it's $30 each. The reasoning behind that is the amount of extra time it takes to photograph an additional person, bringing additional seating for outdoor locations, and additional editing. The likelihood of having to do a composite photo with a large group is much greater than a single portrait. Someone may be blinking or straightening their clothing. Even if I take 20 images, I may still need to combine two or more images for the perfect image. I also do extensive retouching on individuals. I do skin smoothing, eye enhancement, and teeth whitening frequently. More individuals means more time spent in the editing phase.

Q: I don't love the way I look in photos.

A: That's not a question, but I understand. I am the worst person ever to photograph. I will frequently show my clients the back of the camera while I'm shooting. Don't love what you see? Let's change it up! If a sitting pose isn't flattering, let's move and try something different. I am an over-shooter. I promise that you will find a pose and facial expression of yourself that you'll be happy with!

Q: I don't get paid until after our session. Can you accept payment afterwards?

A: I cannot. I need to be consistent across the board and I need to practice profitable business practices now. Small business owners cannot afford to perform their job and have delayed payment. It's unfair to expect that of them. Instead, let's plan a session a few months in advance and we can do weekly or monthly payments. That way it's easier on your budget and you're locked into my calendar. Win win!

Q: What are your goals for your business?

A: I LOVE conversations like this. Seriously, goal setting, and benchmarks make my heart sing. Just ask my husband. I'm constantly checking in with him to make sure we're still on track for our goals. But as far as my business, I want to expand sessions from natural light into using artificial lighting. This will allow for expanded hours (those pesky winter months when the sun sets at 4:45 make it hard to photograph school-aged kiddos). I'd also like to take a workshop on newborn poses. I will not and cannot do posed newborn photos without proper safety training. Working with those tiny babies for posed photos is an entirely different ballgame and I don't {yet} know all the rules. I'm also hoping to expand into boudoir in the next year. Nothing is set in stone, and I haven't nailed down my niche yet, so why not try it all until I find what I love the most?!

Q: My kids may not participate in the session, but I'd really love a great photo.

A: I think one of the things that makes me unique as a photographer is that I understand kids and families. I can typically read a child and try to engage them in a way that they feel comfortable with. This fall I had a family with a 9-year-old boy that absolutely did not want his picture taken. It took over an hour, but I ended up getting some great shots of him with his family as well as him individually. They weren't super posed photos, but he absolutely was not willing to pose and smile for the camera. The big win though was that I established a relationship with him. He now knows that I am not going to break his trust. I'm not going to do something without his consent. He left the session and still felt good. I never, ever want to break a kid in an attempt to get them to cooperate. It won't work anyway.

Q: What makes you unique?

A: As mentioned in another question, I have a pretty good read on kids. I can typically throw out some prompts that are going to get the family engaged. I also love learning. I would be Van Wilder and be a life-long student if college weren't so expensive. So, I am constantly learning new techniques and trying to expand my knowledge in photography and editing. Sometimes it's a flop, but sometimes it's magical. If it's a flop--no worries, let's not choose that image. Next! I also really want people to love their images and leave the session feeling like it was a positive experience. I'm a mom of four of the most feral adorable little heathen boys on the planet. I know how stressful it can be to get family photos done. Hello, I tripod ours several times year and hire another photographer once a year! So, my goal is to make it as painless as possible.

Q: What's your turnaround time for photos?

A: I like to have the proofing gallery completed within 2 business days of the shoot. Then the client will select their images. I will invoice for any additional images and begin editing. I always say that I will have the final gallery delivered within 2 weeks from the selection date, but I have always finished before then. That two-week timeframe does give me a buffer though if I fall ill or I'm swamped with other projects. If there's a delay, I will absolutely communicate that to my clients. Likewise, if you know you want a specific image for a Christmas card and you need to order it ASAP, talk to me. So many issues can be easily resolved with communication.

Q: I don't like you. Who can I go to for pictures that isn't you?

A: No hard feelings if we aren't compatible. I strive to have a style that is unique to me. I can give recommendations for other photographers in the area that I have used personally as well as people's work I admire. The Des Moines area has a ton of really wonderful photographers.

Q: Do you photograph births?

A: I do not currently photograph births. Although this is a genre that I would love to be involved in, the on-call schedule and unpredictability of it is not suitable for my family at this time. Perhaps when my boys are school-aged it'd be something I'd look into again. I have had a birth photographer at my last three home births and it's something that I strongly recommend. Looking back and seeing photos of you and your partner meeting your baby for the first time is unbelievable. Women are such badasses--whether that baby was born unmedicated, with assistance, or a belly birth.


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